Disponible sur le site JustFlight:
Changes in this version:
- Add full support for X-Plane 12 wake turbulence
- Get generated flows closer to X-Plane 12's
- Fix cargo aircraft parking in GA spots
- Fix for incorrect day-of-week on departure board
- Read aircraft parts better for both XP11 and XP12
- Several changes to bring airport weather closer to XP12
- Use X-Plane 12's new weather API to read from there instead of METAR or ActiveSkyXP
Changes in this version:
- Add full support for X-Plane 12 wake turbulence
- Get generated flows closer to X-Plane 12's
- Fix cargo aircraft parking in GA spots
- Fix for incorrect day-of-week on departure board
- Read aircraft parts better for both XP11 and XP12
- Several changes to bring airport weather closer to XP12
- Use X-Plane 12's new weather API to read from there instead of METAR or ActiveSkyXP